The University also offers various initiatives which aim to support students and faculty who wish to strengthen their language skills. The F9 foundation organizes tailored classes in seven languages. The Tandem program puts French-speaking students in touch with Dutch-speaking peers so that both can practice their second language.

As an open, international university, the ULB also offers many classes in English. Learning in English is undoubtedly difficult for a number of students and teaching in English likewise presents a challenge to some faculty. Teaching staff and faculty have several resources at their disposal, notably the TeaProject , which offers individualized, tailored support to teachers for teaching other disciplines in English. Similarly, PracTice provides  pedagogical resources to academic and scientific personnel who feel the need for support in English.

A series of resources are also widely available to the University community: MultiGram, for instance, is a free online platform of communicative multilingual grammars, offering pedagogical support in seven languages. With the inauguration of ULB Languages, support for learning English and Dutch is being reinforced. The traditional conversation tables, for instance, are being replaced by CaféLangues, offering conversation in a second language in a more stimulating and informal environment. 

Updated on November 13, 2019